
Laser dolphin show aquarium
Laser dolphin show aquarium

laser dolphin show aquarium

Canadian Journal of Zoology 73, 1290–1299, doi: 10.1139/z95-153.ĭe Guise S.J, Erickson K., Blanchard M., DiMolfetto L., Lepper H., Wang J., Stott J.L. Humpback whales ( Megaptera novaeangliae) in Hervey Bay, Queensland: behavior and responses to whale-watching vessels. Dive behavior of eastern Chukchi beluga whales ( Delphinapterus leucas) 1998–2008. Laser photogrammetry reveals variation in growth and early survival in free-ranging bottlenose dolphins. Anthropogenic noise and the endangered Cook Inlet beluga whale, Delphinapterus leucas, acoustic considerations for management. Baseline hearing abilities and variability in wild beluga whales ( Delphinapterus leucas). Effects of climate change on Arctic marine mammal health. International Journal of Comparative Psychology 23, 777–791.īurek K.A., Gulland M.D. Advances in husbandry training in marine mammal care programs. Comparative innate and adaptive immune responses in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus) with viral, bacterial and fungal infections. The hematological, biochemical, and immunological findings in Atlantic bottlenose dolphins ( Tursiops truncatus) with orogenital papillomas. Extensive core microbiome in drone-captured whale blow supports a framework for health monitoring. Does intense ship noise disrupt foraging in deep-diving Cuvier’s beaked whales ( Ziphius Cavirostris)? Marine Mammal Science 22, 690–699, doi: 10.1111/j.Īpprill A., Miller C.A., Moore M.J., Durban J.W., Fearnbach H. Animal Conservation 13, 217–225, doi: 10.1111/j.Īguilar Soto N., Johnson M., Madsen P.T., Tyack P.L., Bocconcell A. A novel non-invasive tool for disease surveillance of free-ranging whales and its relevance to conservation programs. Moreover, ‘students’ of all ages have the opportunity to be engaged, educated and contribute to beluga conservation.Īcevedo-Whitehouse K., Rocha-Gosselin A. Expertise in animal handling, behaviour and nutrition contribute to rescue, rehabilitation and capture release efforts. Key research priorities address action items in the Cook Inlet Beluga Recovery Plan and include: (1) understanding the beluga immune system, microbial communities, pathogens and disease (2) development of non-invasive methods for assessing reproductive status, body condition and health in wild whales (3) investigation of diving physiology and the impact of altered dive patterns on health (4) understanding reproduction, a key to recovery and sustainability of wild populations (5) development and testing of new technologies for tracking and monitoring whales and habitat use and (6) understanding how noise affects beluga hearing, behaviour and physiology.

laser dolphin show aquarium

Mystic Aquarium’s efforts are presented as a case study. Research studies in aquaria seek to contribute to the recovery and management of endangered beluga populations, such as those in Cook Inlet. Biological samples are collected from professionally trained whales that voluntarily participate in informative experimental paradigms. Information on nutrition, health status and environmental parameters can be easily obtained in a controlled setting. In an aquarium setting, belugas can be studied under controlled conditions, with known variables that are often difficult to discern when studying wild belugas.


Aquaria that care for and maintain belugas ( Delphinapterus leucas) under professional care have the opportunity to contribute to the conservation of wild belugas through research, expertise in animal care and husbandry, and engaging and educating the public about threats to the species’ health and population sustainability.

Laser dolphin show aquarium